Children must be well to attend NJS, for the sake of your child as well as the others. Children exhibiting the following symptoms are asked not to attend; signs of fever (one degree above normal), watering eyes, chronic coughs, chronic runny noses, chronic diarrhea or unexplained rashes. If a child comes to NJS presenting with any of the above symptoms, he/she will be asked to go home. If a child develops any of the above symptoms during the day, the child will be isolated immediately and the parents will be contacted. We ask that parents come promptly to pick up their child. Children are asked not to attend until they are symptom free as well as fever free for 24-48 hours. Whenever a child has been exposed to a contagious disease, chicken pox, measles, hand-foot-mouth, pink eye, strep throat, head lice, ring worm, R.S.V, impetigo, parents are required to notify Mare (379-6510).
If a child has been ill and has been cleared by a physician to return, and is still on medication, parents should plan on coming to administer the medication at the appropriate time during the child's school day.
We work closely with our Child Care Health Consultant on administration of emergency medication if your child has a health condition that requires administration of an EPI pen, inhaler or seizure medications.
I’d like to thank you for respecting this policy. We work extremely hard to maintain a clean and healthy environment for your children!